That's us. Black Kitteh, Me & Sandi Claws

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Got Gossip?

Black Kitteh Here:
Got Gossip?
I do.
 Oh it's a DOOZIE! 

(Get this) 
Dey found "Junior's" fambily!  

And dey said (get this)
You Can Have Hiiimm!

I am not even kidding. 
I mean, that's a red flag.
Momz said, "He pees in the house doesn't he?"
and they said only when he's mad at other kittehs.

You see, "Junior's" Momz died two years ago and he hasn't been happy since.
So he found our Momz and he has been happy since.

And "Junior"still keeps his options open.
When our  pawrents aren't home, he tries to get into The Plant Lady's house,
or he goes to his first home (where his Momz kids moved in with odder kittehs)
then he swats those kittehs, eats up all the food, then comes back here!
Where he snuggles up wiff our Momz.

Oh, and he's SEVEN YEARS OLD!

He has bad breff

AND "Junior" has annoder name.
But I'm not gonna tell it.
Okay, okay, I'll tell it.
His odder name is:










(or Ollie Cat)
but he still responds to "Junior" too.



  1. I am glad Junior gets to stay with u. Hooray! :)

  2. Wow, that's really incredible gossip...some of the best we've ever heard!

  3. Whoa, we can't BEELEEVE its! Too much! What an operator! Well, are you gonna keep "Junior", or is he Oliver now?? Jasper was right, there was somethin' fishy about "[not so junior] Junior"!
    p.s. all cats have bad breaths

  4. Junior gots good home...stay wit yu and yo' Mum...Purrs

    Miss Kitty http:/

  5. Glad that Junior or Oliver has found a new mother and is happy again. Black Kitteh you are a good gossip hehe.

  6. Wow, that Junior...aka Oliver...sure gets around!
