That's us. Black Kitteh, Me & Sandi Claws

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Uni-Brow

There I was, just minding my own business
when Sandi started laughing at me!

Black Kitteh!  Errr, um...Oh My!
Let's look a little closer...


Biggification in progress


(Black Kitteh):  Hey! 
Stop Making fun of my eyebrows!
 Jazzpur! ...not you TOO??

MOL Black Kitteh

It's too FUNNY!!

It's a uni-brow! 
NO, it's several uni-browz,
it's MULTI-uni... um, erm..

Dood, you GOTTA do something about those eyebrowz!!


  1. IGNORE gorgeous Jasper and adorable Sandi Claws, beautiful Black Kitteh!! They are just jealous of your modern look!! :-) Take care

  2. Give your head a good shake... I'm not sure those are all attached! But either way, they cannot detract from your beauty!

  3. FaRADaY: BWAAAA-HA-HAAAA! Jasper, your laff is PAWEsome dude!

  4. JASPER! This is Katie Isabella's mommy but I never could get to you on HER bloggie when you commented. It always made me go to Google+ which I don't have and don't want. Thank goodness I have you here. I will ask Katie to make her comments from here I guess.

    Thank you for visiting me. XXXOOO

  5. Jasper you are very entertaining, but beware, Black Kitteh will want revenge hehe!
